Latest Sneakers

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Nike Air Penny Hybrid

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 05:29 PM PST

Nike Air Penny Hybrid

Before you get excited, these were done by Cody Harris(BP the proprietor of NT). If that canvas rings a bell then you already know the guy is precious. BP lately releasedl his own variant of the Air Penny Hybrid. No, he doesn’t get paid by Nike yet, but surely he will be one day. The 1/2 Cent freshly dropped and disappeared before most folks yet realized the kicks had been released.

We can honestly say the 1/2 Cent was a sad hybrid, but which Air Penny hybrid to you like the foremost; Nike’s or BP’s? That is the question?
Nike Air Penny Hybrid Nike Air Penny Hybrid Nike Air Penny Hybrid Nike Air Penny Hybrid Nike Air Penny Hybrid Nike Air Penny Hybrid Nike Air Penny Hybrid